Saturday, January 15, 2011

My First Birchbox

Today I got my first Birchbox and I am so existed. If you do not know what Birchbox is it's were you pay $10 a month and they send you a box in the mail with 4 to 5 high end products. Brichbox is a nice way to try out new products you have never heard of and find something that really works good for you or find something you were thinking about getting and it ended up not being so great. I am very happy about what I got and I defiantly keep buying boxes. Also its like a nice little surprise what you are going to get each month.

 And some photos so you can see what it looks like.

You get a cute pink box in the mail.

Then there another box.

Package with pink paper with the product place nicely.
It comes with a card tips and a list of all the products.

Ahava- for dry skin. I would say I really love this. It make my skin feel soft and I can fit this my purse. I have really dry skin so this should help.

 Blow-Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner. They smell good but I do not think they will work good for my hair because I do not really need something to add more volume to my hair. Because I have thick curly hair I have enough volume to my hair.

 Myfaceworks- Sheet Mask. I have not tried this yet but I'm existed to try it out.

 Too Faced- Primed and Poreless. Primer for your face. I like how it feels when I put it on my face.

 Zhena's Gypsy Tea- Herbal Red Tea. I am not a big tea person. I do drink tea everyday because it is good for you but I have to say I acutely liked this tea and it smells good.

I think Birchbox is great idea and I can not wait to see what I get next month!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My New Years Resolutions

With a new year is a new beginning and yes I know I'm a little late doing this. I was going to write my resolutions sooner but my classes just started so I got busy. Most people are bad at keeping them I know I am but this year will be different so on to my resolutions.

1. Be more organized: I am a messy person. I do not try to be messy I just get lazy and do not clean up after so I need to work on that more.

2. Don't wait till the last minute to get my hw done: I am really bad at this. I tell my self I have time to get it done and then when it comes the day off I'm hurrying to get it done and there for my hw is not as good as it could be. Also I stress out and I do not get anything else done I need too.

3. Eat better: For me I do not eat that good. I eat too much fast food, junk, pop, candy, and I do not eat much of what is good for me. So for my health and too lose weight I need to start working on that.

4. Work out more: I have only been going to the gym 2 days a week if even that. I should start going 4 times a week for over a hour so I can have a better body.

5. Update my blog more: I really suck at updating my blog manly because I'm lazy and I need to stop being lazy. There is so much I want to talk about in my blog but I never write in here or I'm late at posting it.

Those are my resolutions hope you enjoy.